Sunday, January 07, 2007

Busy week

Wow, what a busy week, I worked of course, and on Thursday the fun began. Laura and I hosted a Party Light Candle party.
Thanks to everyone who came and had a fun time with us!
Thanks to Kris for being our candle guide!
And thanks to Laura for offering her living room as ground zer0!
On Friday, during the day, I did a little work for Terry, and had an adventure with a hot water heater. Thank goodness for the guy who works at True Value Hardware.
Friday evening the Lemke's invited me along to the Excel Center for open skate for the kids. Good thing there were three adults along for the fun. Got some really fun pictures of the kids. Then we headed to the Savoy Inn for some Pizza.
Not better than Broadway!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The candle party was great fun, thanks, food was great. Love Auntie Diana

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your help with the kids. I know Max will love you again someday!
The Lemke's

Anonymous said...

Oh when the Saints, go marching in
Oh when the Saints go marching in,
Lord, I want to be in that number,
When the Saints go marching in to Chicago and whup the bears.